Parking Permit

Vehicle Registration

All currently enrolled students and all employees are required to display parking permits on their vehicles. The vehicle tag number, make, model and color will be required for registration. To register for a permit, click Parking Permit and follow these steps (see Registering for a Parking Permit for images):

  1. Choose the Permit type you are requesting: Faculty/Staff, Student, or Temporary. Click the Continue button.

  2. Fill out the Contact Information, selecting whether the contact type is for a Person or Business. Click the Save/Update Person Button then click the Continue button.

  3. Fill out the Enter Vehicle Information form, including: Type, Make, Model, Year, Color, License Plate Number, and Licensing State. Click the Add New Vehicle button then click the Continue button.

  4. Inspect the Review Report, confirming that all information entered is accurate.

  5. If any information is incorrect, click the Modify button on General Information, Contacts Information, or Vehicles Information to correct it or click the Back button to get back to the relevant screen.

  6. Once all information is correct, click the Continue button.

  7. Click View Permit Registration to print the report.

    • Students bring the report to Student Accounts in Building 100 on the Augusta Campus or to the Administrative Office on the satellite campuses to receive your Parking Permit.

    • Faculty forward the report via intercampus mail to the Campus Police Department located in Building 100 to receive your Parking Permit. Please make sure to include your division or department and building/campus so that the permit can be sent via intercampus mail.

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